Groovy EMF Builder


The Groovy EMF Builder can be used to create EMF models using the Groovy builder syntax.


def builder = new EmfBuilder(EcorePackage)
def book = builder.EClass( 'Book' ) {
  eStructuralFeatures {
    title = EAttribute ( 'title', eType: EcorePackage.Literals.ESTRING )
    pages = EAttribute ( name: 'pages', eType: EcorePackage.Literals.EINT )


The Groovy EMF Builder is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

Maven Repository

To use the Groovy EMF Builder in your Maven-based project add the following Maven Repository to your POM:

  <name>emfbuilder Release Repository</name>

... and add this depencency:


Downloads, Source Code and Help

Visit the Project Page at SourceForge for downloads, source code, and help.